You've worked hard but the future just isn't falling into place like you imagined.  The pieces aren't connecting.  You feel removed from yourself, your partner, even your closest friends.  The constant worry and doubt is heavy, the questions endless.  Marriage, children, career.  You don't know what you want anymore, or if you will ever get what you thought you wanted.  This is not how the future looked or felt in your mind.  Things feel confusing and overwhelming.  You are not alone; we've all been there; I've been there too.

Here's where I come in ... I work with individuals & couples struggling to figure shit out (sometimes there's just no other way to say it).  Life can get paralyzingly hard and I help people move through that place that feels like there is no way through. As I like to say, it is hard being human in this world we’ve created. Most of us are disconnected - from ourselves, from our dreams, from what lights us up and what shuts us down. Yet, as humans, we thrive on connection. I help you reconnect, I provide the space and guidance to explore the mess we all hold inside so that you can go out and help clean up the mess outside.

I offer counseling and coaching to help you move from stuck and overwhelmed to kicking ass and making an impact in the world. Give me a call, tell me a little about what you're looking for, find out more about how I work.  We'll figure out together what's the best next step for you right now.